Clickteam fusion 2.5 steam
Clickteam fusion 2.5 steam

clickteam fusion 2.5 steam

Here are some things that I do encourage you to do: I've also occasionally seen other people post benchmarks that I found fascinating, and I'd love to see more! Hopefully this thread can eventually become a central spot for people to learn about what are the best practices for making optimised games, which tips are valuable, which aren't worth the hassle, and hopefully discover some unexpected surprises. I'm starting this thread because I've been doing some tests for my own use, and I thought I'd share them. how many fastloops per frame, how many objects on screen, etc.) milliseconds to complete, Fraps fps), and how excessively you needed to push the test to get noticeable results (eg. Or was the test somewhat less extreme (and hence more likely to have real-world implications)? Generally, giving a brief description of the test scenario should be enough, though try to provide: what you tested, the resulting measure (eg. Did it require a brute-force test with 5000 rapidly moving objects and a fastloop with 1 million loops for this 10% difference to show itself? (if so, then real-world optimisation implications are likely to be nil). For example, just saying "I compared X and Y, and X was 10% faster!" isn't enough. Try to provide enough data that the question "will this make any noticeable impact in the real-world" can be answered. As long as there's some kind of observable result that you're basing your findings on.Ģ. Or you can just try out something informally a few times in your own game and write down the FPS.

clickteam fusion 2.5 steam

You can use the inbuilt A/B tester in VACCiNE*. You can make a rigorous benchmark and upload results and MFAs. But please, no hearsay, theories, gut feelings, speculation, wisdom passed down through the generations, or something you're kinda pretty sure was true in MMF 1.5.without some kind of data backing it up. Contribute any findings you like, about any aspect of Fusion. I'd like to suggest only two (loose) rules:ġ. My hope is that as many people as possible will contribute. So let's have a thread where we can gather in one spot various benchmarks and tests that we've done, to measure the performance of various aspects of Fusion 2.5. Or some of us do, but haven't shared our findings with the rest. Where should you invest your optimisation efforts most? Does "fine collision" really hurt performance? How much quicker is testing for collisions vs testing for overlap? Will putting all your fastloops in groups be a goldmine of increased framerate, or a waste of time? Often, we just don't know these answers. But many aren't backed up with actual proven tests or are from many years ago, and so the real-world, present-day implications of optimisation remain somewhat vague. You google "clickteam optimisation" and quickly find a lot of threads and articles with many suggestions.

clickteam fusion 2.5 steam clickteam fusion 2.5 steam

Versatile, simple, powerful, fast.So, you want to optimise your Fusion game. If you can read, you can program with Fusion 2.5!Ĭountless games made with Clickteam Fusion 2.5 and its predecessors!. From character and level design to programming, everything is done visually.


Clickteam Fusion 2.5 is the latest in the famous range of game creation software from Clickteam and now comes in a completely free edition! Containing all of the editors, interfaces and clever ideas that have made our previous titles so successful, now anyone on any budget can start developing powerful games and apps for free!ĭiscover the simplicity of designing games and apps with just your mouse.

Clickteam fusion 2.5 steam